Saturday, September 12, 2009
Cut the remainder of the fresh baked ham into neat pieces, laying aside all the small bits. Pare and cut in dice sufficient potatoes to measure one quart. Chop fine sufficient onions to measure one cupful. Place the potatoes and onions in a saucepan and add sufficient boiling water to cover. Cook until tender and then drain. Now prepare a pastry as follows: Place Two cups of flour, One teaspoon of salt, Two teaspoons of baking powder. in a bowl. Sift and then rub in six tablespoons of shortening. Mix with one-half cup of ice-cold water. Roll out and then line a shallow pan with pastry. Place a layer of potatoes and onions and then a layer of the meat. Season well and cover the meat with a second layer of the potatoes. Season and then add two cups of highly seasoned gravy. Place top crust in position and fasten the edges tightly by pinching together firmly. Brush the pastry with cold water and then bake one hour in a slow oven.